Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Triangular Phillips Curve Model Essay - 2275 Words
The triangular Phillips Curve which was proposed by Gordon (1996) states that the factors cause inflation can be summarized as demand pull, cost push and inflation inertia. Similarly, Gal and Gertler (1999) construct the a kind of hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve model and claim that the main factors that affect inflation are the excess aggregate demand, inflation expectation and inflation inertia. In reality, the determinants of inflation are very complex, and the most common four mechanisms of production are stated as follows: 1) Demand pull type. Excessive growth in aggregate demand leads to too much money chasing too few goods. 2) Cost push type. The inflation is caused by the increase in the cost of production and the general level of the price rise. 3)Inflation inertia, that is, once the inflation formed, it will continue for a period of time. 4) Expectation of inflation. Economic activity participants can make a judgment and estimate on the future trend of inflation to get the formation of inflation expectations, which lead to the current increase in the price level. In the paper of Batini (2005), the theoretical and empirical relationship between the share of labour and inflation in the U.K. was explored, which based on the theory of Cobb–Douglas the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC). The labour share was examined to be as a useful indicator on measuring the inflationary pressures of the U.K. There was a stable relationship between the informationShow MoreRelatedThe Researches About The Causes Of Inflation Essay2290 Words  | 10 Pages2.3 The researches about the causes of inflation 2.3.1 The theoretical explains of inflation causes The triangular Phillips Curve which was proposed by Gordon (1996) states that the factors cause inflation can be summarized as demand pull, cost push and inflation inertia. Similarly, Gal and Gertler (1999) construct the a kind of hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve model and claim that the main factors that affect inflation are the excess aggregate demand, inflation expectation and inflation inertiaRead MoreInflation Is An Important Issue For Both Monetary Policy Makers And The Phillips Curve By John M. Roberts3648 Words  | 15 Pagesarguments that some model of pricing fail to explain the persistence. This paper summarizes two papers: inflation persistence by Jeff Fuhrer and George Moore and New Keynesian Economics and the Phillips Curve by John M. Roberts. We are going to follow the idea of Roberts (1995) and use the model in â€Å"Monetary Theory and Policy†second edition written by Carl E. Walsh. Section 1 gives the reason why inflation persistence is important. And also briefly introduce three different models that are summarizedRead MoreThree Principles Describe How Economy as a Whole Works11284 Words  | 46 Pagesimpact on the market price. 2. Here is an example of a monthly demand schedule for pizza: Price of Pizza Slice $0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Number of Pizza Slices Demanded 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 another along the same demand curve. 3. Here is an example of a monthly supply schedule for pizza: Price of Pizza Slice $0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Number of Pizza Slices Supplied 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Coconuts Gathered Figure 1 2. Crusoe’sRead MoreLenovo and Ibm23938 Words  | 96 Pageslicensing, a firm that enters into a joint venture may risk giving control of its technology or competitive advantage to its partner. Second, the venture does not give a firm the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need to realize experience curve or location economies, nor does the tight control over a foreign subsidiary that it might need for engaging in coordinated global attacks to its rivals. Third, the shared ownership arrangement may lead to conflicts and battles for control between concerned
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Is Yersinia Pestis A Bacterial Infection Responsible For...
Yersinia Pestis is a bacterial infection responsible for the deaths of millions of people starting in the 1300’s and still continues to infect people to this day. This bacterial strain is the basis of three very serious and potentially fatal diseases: the Bubonic plague, the Pneumonic Plague, and the septicemic Plague. The difference between the plagues is primarily the location of the infection but the symptoms also vary as well. The bubonic plague attacks the Lymphatic system whereas the Pneumonic plague focuses the respiratory system and the Septicemic plague targets the blood stream. Although the plagues alter in symptoms and means of infection, they all relate and depend on each other in some way. The bubonic plague was the largest epidemic and owes it’s success to the collaboration of the three variations, Yersinia Pestis was introduced to humans through the Bubonic version but wouldn’t have spread nearly as much if it weren’t for the airborne effect s of the Pneumonic version which can infect humans without the means of other organisms such as fleas. The Bubonic Plague (also known as the black death) is the most common of the three and first arrived in Europe in 1347, it would eventually kill millions people, totaling nearly a third of the continents population. The disease was first recorded in central Asia in 1338 and spread to the south and east by early 1346, making easy headway by hitchhiking through travelers and merchants traversing trade routes across both landShow MoreRelatedDeath by the Black Plague1017 Words  | 4 Pagesaround 80-200 million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. â€Å"Evidence available from rural continental Europe suggests a slow spread of human mortality across trade and travel routes, patterns consistent†(Carmichael 3), until after multiple inventions such as printing, word spread of this murderer, preventing more deaths and to treat those affected. This disease is known throughout the world as the Black Death and still lingersRead MoreThe Late Middle Ages Essay1713 Words  | 7 Pagesinsatiable territorial appetites and religious fanaticism contributed greatly to create instability and war among the people. However, one of the greatest villain during this period was an undetectable foe, named Yersinia Pestis. This bacterium was responsible for the horrific Black Death, which ravaged Europe, Asia, and Africa in the 14th century, killing over 50 million people. In urban centers like Paris and Hamburg, 50% to 60% of the residents perished. All this happened in the middle of theRead MoreConcerns of Bioterrorism2788 Words  | 11 PagesUS/Guam What is Bioterrorism? What are the types of Bioterrorism? What issues or concerns should we be aware of when talking about Bioterrorism? How is Bioterrorism different from the United States and that of Guam? These are some of the things people would think of and wonder when they hear the word Bioterrorism. It’s important to know the different steps or precautions that a person can look into in order to prevent themselves from being a victim of Bioterrorism. First things first, Bioterrorism
Monday, December 9, 2019
A Dolls House assignment Essay Example For Students
A Dolls House assignment Essay How does Henrik Ibsen use stereotype in A Dolls House to challenge our pre-conception of gender roles within marriage? Should relate to bot present day and the time in which the play was set in. In todays world, the stereotypical roles that males and females play in their marriages are very different from the time the play A Dolls House was set in. The play reflected the English society in the mid 19th century. Ibsen portrayed Torvald as the stereotypical husband in those times. He was the leader and the breadwinner of the family. He was dominating, patronizing and always treated Nora with sarcasm. Similarly, Nora was portrayed as a stereotypical wife. Her character was made up of naivete. She was submissive and dependent on her husband. Their relationship was affectionate but displayed inequality between the gender and this could be expected of in those times. In the first act of the play, Ibsen showed the exposition which is the introduction of the play and its characters where nothing much happens. He depicted a common family of those times and showed that the woman of the house did not give much opinion or independence or strength. He showed that Torvald was in charge of the money he earned and Nora told him how she spent the money he had given her. Torvald treated her like an inexperienced child and told her that she was a spendthrift. Moreover, she was even restricted by him to eat macaroons and this proved that she was not able to do according to her own wills but had to obey her husband. However, the climax of the play showed that Nora violated the rules of the social norms of the time by borrowing money from another man and keeping the fact hidden from her husband, even though it was to save her husband from dying. This shows that Nora is not as naive as she was shown to be but lets her husband think that he has the power. She realized that what she had done was wrong and her husband would not approve of it. This was because Torvald did not like in borrowing money because it leads to debt. Yet, Krogstad complicated the situation even more by proving as a threat to this secret as he was the loaner of the money who decided that if Torvald did not keep his job, he would be exposed Noras secret. This begins the challenge of the stereotype of gender roles within marriage showed by Ibsen. He showed that such a situation, where a wife disobeyed her husband, was not normal in those times. By the third act, when Krogstad put a letter revealing Nora of her secret about the loan from Torvald, Nora was shown in a calmer way. Although trapped, she hoped wonderful thing was going to happen when Torvald comes to know the truth. She expected Torvald to accept Krogstads conditions and take the blame onto himself and forgive Nora and thereby sacrificing his honour for his loved one. In contrast to her hopes and expectations Torvald was not courageous enough for the sacrifice. The wonderful thing did not happen and Nora was shattered. She could not accept the fact that her husband could not sacrifice for her and walked away from his life and this was absolutely against the stereotypical relationship within a marriage life in the time of the play. The challenge Ibsen set here showed the unusual roles played by Nora and Torvald as husband and wife. Nora was displayed as being more independent, matured, strong and confident. On the other hand, Torvald shows a sign of weakness, hopelessness and helplessness. Ibsen opposed the stereotypical way even more by showing that Nora walks out on Torvald. This is a very unusual act to be taken up by women in those days as in the societies, women were still regarded as the weak or inferior gender of the two and do not generally take up such acts as they are believed to be weak, naive and dependent. The other anomaly is Torvald who, although, is supposed to belong to the superior sex loses in the end and is absolutely powerless to the point that he had to plead Nora to stay with him. .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c , .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .postImageUrl , .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c , .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:hover , .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:visited , .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:active { border:0!important; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:active , .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6a58258233fe8ce12e5b5c1143a09b4c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Research Investigation on Domestic Tragedy EssayHowever, in todays world, the gender roles played within the marriage are absolutely contrasting to those mentioned above. A stereotypical wife does not have to play the dependent and obedient role and the husband does not necessarily have to play the role of a dominating person of the family. Both the genders play equal part in the upbringing of the family. Both of them can work, earn and be the owner of their own lives without having to obey one another. Furthermore, divorce has become a more common issue in todays world and this was not the case in the time A Dolls House was set.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Oil gas free essay sample
The economy is affected by many factors that determine if it is strong or weak. These factors have to do with buyers consuming goods and services and at what rate they do this. Do the goods and services that are consumed by people created wealth, jobs and a better overall economy for a country. Throughout history some economies have evolved faster and stronger than others. Policies that the government places on industry, technology and the environment can all affect the prosperity of an economy. Of the factors that affect economic growth the industry of Oil and gas is one that holds a stronghold in the worlds and Americas economy today. When evaluating the economic growth factor of economy and specifically oil and gas on must consider the following questions:  ¨ What relationship does the factor have with the whole economy?  ¨ How does this factor affect economic growth  ¨ Is the factor a cause or effect of economic growth?  ¨ what would the economy be like if there were significant problems with this factor?  ¨ What relation does a central bank have to this factor? I will answer each of these questions in respect to how economy is affected by oil and gas. We will write a custom essay sample on Oil gas or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The economy in the United States today is greatly affected by oil and gas. When there are large reserves and an increase of active drills in respect to oil, the economy seems to receive a boost. This is because prices for such things like gas and oil fall and people are able to consume more gas at a lower price. There is more supply and prices fall, therefore people save money on gas and can consume other items in the economy. People working in these industries have more job openings and more jobs filled, therefore creating a lower unemployment rate and a higher national per capita income. The need for substitutes are not there so, consumers will consume oil and gas at a growing rate. Since, people use oil and gas for so many different things like heating there homes, driving their cars, and a variety of other sources, the overall GNP for the consumer will rise. Economic growth is affected through significant fluctuations in inflation of oil and gas. If you look throughout history when there have been fluctuations in gas and oil prices you have vast fluctuations in the economy of our country. The instability of this factor has cause government regulation to come into play in times of crisis. For example during the mid-seventies we had the oil and gas shortage due to the Middle East cutting off supply to Importers of their oil. By doing this, they caused a shortage in a lot of countries creating rising oil prices and high demand. Consumers could not rely on the oil prices to be stable, therefore they consumed less of other products due to the inflation of gas prices and more of their dollar began to be spent on gas. Americans particularly started to come up with more efficient means of using and consuming gas over the past 25 years. Oil and gas is a resource that can be used up if not conserved properly. That is why OPEC was formed, as well as organizations such as NAFTA to help regulate trade of these commodities and bring organization to a disorganized status. In addition, governments like the United States impose taxes on gas to regulated the prices in order to ward off against supplies of oil affecting the nations economy. This only works to an extent, in the early to mid-eighties one states economy lived and died by the supply of oil. That state was Texas. When Texass oil rigs began to dry up, their economy went into a recession. Their reliance on the oil supply as their main revenue producer caused a lot of people to lose their jobs and demand and consumption for other products fell as well. This caused a spiraling effect which caused people from all industries to lose their jobs. Texass economy suffered and so did parts of the American economy with High inflation and high debt which caused the economy to suffer. Increased regulation and diversification of a countrys resources can stop this from being the case. Countries representing OPEC all live and die by the constant production of oil. While this factor is used to stimulate their countries economic growth, it should be used to stimulate the building of a countrys infrastructure. Oil-rich countries should use the positive affect oil has had on their countries to build strong governments and consumer demand for other goods. This powerful infrastructure that could be built will give the economy stability and allow for a countrys GNP to grow in a slow, steady, and positive way. The building of a strong middle-class will allow for countrys to prosper for many years to come. Instead what has happened is that economies of these countries are in a state of flux. What I mean by this is that their economies are very unpredictable and unstable and their reliance on oil has made the disparity between the rich and the poor a gap that becomes too large to overcome. One prime example of this is Brazil, Brazil has large reserves of oil in a very large country. Brazil is a developing nation and is very unstable when it comes to central governments. In the 70s and 80s Brazil made large amounts of oil from its reserves. Instead of investing the money made (from exporting oil) into their countries future, the leaders of that country used the money to make themselves rich and left the country in political and economic disarray. The middle class of Brazil became almost non-existent and their seem to be but two classes in that country. Those classes were the extremely rich and the extremely poor. The lack of infrastructure and consumer confidence in the economy due to the mishandling of oil profits lead to many political assassinations and increased crime rates throughout the country. It has taken and will continue to take Brazil years and years to recover from these economic crisiss , which all could have been avoided had Brazils government invested in its future. It is definitely true that an economy of a country can be vastly affected by the demand, consumption, and supply of oil. The affect that good supplies of oil has on a countrys economy is one that can only be measured in the sense that it is inevitable that they will be affected. As long as we drive cars that are fueled by gas and we use heat in the winter time, oil will always be a strong factor in determining the growth of a countries economy. In the United States, we have the strong infrastructure to adapt to problems that the instability of both the supply and demand of oil will cause. Countries need to look within themselves for managed growth in order to steady their economies if oil is what sparks their economy. A strong central bank and government will allow for funds to be invested in supporting the economy, the oil business, and consumerism. Once the infrastructure is set the shear reliance on oil will not be a factor, because the countrys economy will be able to handle the affect. When the day comes that oil wells ran dry and substitutes are needed the countries that will survive will be the ones that have braced themselves for the effect that this will have on their economy. Then these countries will adapt and overcome. Oil and gas should be used as helper of a countrys economy and not the passion by which it is run. The production of great income for a country and a higher GNP that oil production is something that should be able to benefit them for many years to come. If you look at the United States as a model you will see a country that handles oil with precision. When the oil industry is in a downturn, the government can step in and regulate taxes and stimulate investment by having the central bank pump in funds that would not otherwise be used. When the oil industry is doing fine, the government can sit back and reap the prosperity of increases in employment and a rise in demand for oil. The prices will be lower for gas and oil, which means consumption will be up and the economy will be up too. Countries around the world can learn how to handle oil to the extent that it creates an agenda that the benefits far outweigh the costs. We know that oil and gas affects the economy and that it easily regulated by strong central government and bank. The infrastructure must be built up to manage growth. The leaders of the country should be committed to the development of the oil industry. Finally the consumers should be aware of how their role in the consumption of oil will affect the economy as a whole. When all parties are aware and committed to the prosperity of their country and to the industry then the consumption, supply, demand, profits, losses, and investment towards oil will be a mutually beneficial one for the country and its people.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
poe essays
poe essays Elements of Fiction in Poe=s Writing Edgar Allan Poe was an artist of literature. He was one of the greatest thriller/story tellers that America has known. He was known as "a seminal figure in the development in science fiction and the detective story. His writing came to have enormous importance for modern French literature" (X, John Richardson). Edgar Allan Poe wasn't out to frighten his audience. According to Peithman, his interest for his audience was within the human mind. In three of his works, AMorella@, ALigeia@, and AThe Oval Portrait@, there are several similarities and differences of elements of fiction such as theme, plot, tone, symbol, point of view, and climax. In the story ALigeia@, the narrator did not love Rowena. Ligeia did not resemble Rowena in any way. Ligeia was just a figment of his imagination. The man was merely insane. He created Ligeia. AThe narrator is obsessed with his Ideal to the point where it takes on a life of its own, and had no ability to control his mind@(Piethman 45). The narrator was always absorbed in the features of Ligeia and how wonderful she always looked. She was so perfect in every way that she could not possibly be human. This story could have been related to Edgar Allan Poe=s could first wife=s death that ALigeia@ was a part of him. In AMorella@, it was said that she may have been a witch. Morella she is intelligent. Although, she did go to a school for the black arts. She represents surpassing knowledge that the husband doesn=t have. He wants to have this so he starts to study with her. He becomes her pupil. He did not love Morella. He only loved her knowledge. Because her husband did not love her at all, she cast a spell on him. The spell was for her soul to go into her daughter. The spell was a reminder for the man to regret what he did to Morella. How he neglected her as a wife. When the daughter was born, she looked e ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Funny Quotes to Celebrate the New Year
Funny Quotes to Celebrate the New Year Every New Year brings a chance to mark the passage of time, reflect on the past, and embrace the future. Some of us celebrate the occasion by partying into the wee hours of the morning; others struggle to stay awake to watch the clock hands move past twelve. We make resolutions, only to break them; we promise to do better, try harder, be better, but oftentimes fall short as life gets in the way. The humorous quotes below, though, will help you start the New Year smiling. Mark Twain New Years is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. New Years Day now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Brooks Atkinson Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go. Bill Vaughan Youth is when youre allowed to stay up late on New Years Eve. Middle age is when youre forced to. An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. P. J. ORourke The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Years Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person youre married to. Jay Leno Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average†¦which means, you have met your New Years resolution. James Agate New Years Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time. Eric Zorn Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle. Charles Lamb New Years Day is every mans birthday. Judith Christ Happiness is too many things these days for anyone to wish it on anyone lightly. So lets just wish each other a bile-less New Year and leave it at that. Anonymous Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits. A New Years resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Last year’s resolution was to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. Only 30 pounds to go. Remember when we were young and wanted to stay up for New Year’s? Now we are old and all we want to do is sleep. May the New Year bring you significantly more joy than the holidays did. Joey Adams May all your troubles last as long as your New Years resolutions! Oscar Wilde Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. Robert Paul Im a little bit older, a little bit wiser, a little bit rounder, but still none the wiser. Robert Clark I would say Happy New Year but it’s not happy; it’s exactly the same as last year except colder.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Can Individual Virtue Survive Corporate Pressure Essay - 1
Can Individual Virtue Survive Corporate Pressure - Essay Example When corporate executives cite ‘market forces’ as ‘compelling external circumstances’ that hinder sovereignty in their decision making, they are merely exposing their lack of leadership skills. Moreover, as Solomon points, workers in corporations â€Å"tend to behave in conformity with the people and expectations that surround them, even when what they are told to do violates their ‘personal morality’.†(Newton, et. al., 2011, p.63) In many ways, what are considered as meritorious within the confines of a corporation is usually seen as vices outside this realm. For example, qualities such as the tendency to blindly obey authority, act in unison with the crown and refusing to take personal responsibility for broader consequences have no value outside the corporate framework. Solomon then goes on to cite eminent philosophers from the past, including Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill and David Hume in emphasizing the importance of individual c haracter and virtue. He even refers to ancient philosophers such as Aristotle and Confucius to underscore his point. Although these philosophers lived before the industrial era, their ideas hold good across contexts, for they do address the merits of holding firm in the face of ‘external’ compulsions and authorities. In the modern context, the dominant institution for authority and conformity is the business corporation. But the preoccupation of these philosophers is not only whether individual virtue ‘can’ survive.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Regulatory Genes Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Regulatory Genes - Lab Report Example For the second experiment, the mutant and wild type cDNA was constructed. The cDNAs and GST genes were inserted into an expression vector. This stage was carried out to synthesize fusion proteins of LHX3a, LHX3bY116C, LHX3aY111C and LHX3b all fused to GST. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is known to be a protein which aids in the purification and isolation of proteins of interest. The controls were set up by isolating the GST proteins only. The fusion proteins were later separated with the use of electrophoresis and the proteins were used as a substrate for the binding assay. Purified radio-labeled Pit-1 and NIL were later added to the gel that had the mutant and wild type fusion proteins.In this case, if there were binding sites(No mutation effect), the Pit-1 and NIL proteins could bind to the proteins(LHX3).The presence of the bound Pit-1 and NIL were visualized with fluorography. The binding of Pit-1 and NIL were then quantified by scintillation counting (electrophoresis gel band intensity measurement).The first experiment aimed at determining if mutations in the LXH3 gene can interfere with LHX3a and LHX3b’s ability to binding to DNA promoters and reporter genes. As indicated in figure 1, both mutation types affected the activation of alpha GSU gene (red bars). The truncated mutations with no DNA binding domain were not able to activate the reporter gene, while on the other hand, point mutations with altered amino acid in the LHX3 protein interaction domain, had reduced activation.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Zaras Business Model Essay Example for Free
Zaras Business Model Essay When I saw the first announcement of their ecommerce launch I ran home and dug through my undergrad course work and quickly produced a case study I’d read in 2003. â€Å"Zara: IT for Fast Fashion†a Harvard Business School case study that examined Zara’s IT infrastructure and how it supported their unique business model. Two important caveats from this case study stuck out in my mind. Zara’s business model closely linked customer demand to manufacturing and distribution. Inventory depended largely on the location of the store and what particular customers were buying. They understood that their consumer had a penchant for trend driven pieces, and that marketing and advertising efforts lengthened the lead-time. Thus their marketing budget was usually .3% of revenue, and Zara was able to get high fashion looks in stores while they were still hot. Zara didn’t need to convince their consumers to buy with advertising and marketing efforts, rather they changed 75% of their inventory every three to four weeks, so consumers knew to constantly frequent the store for up to date items. Secondly, Zara had decided not to retail clothes online because of the high rate of returns (retail mail order rates were 50-60% whereas in store was roughly 5%), and because their distribution centers were not configured for small pick and pack orders. If you think about it, Zara’s business model is actually perfect for online retail. Their vertically integrated manufacturing operations allowed for the perpetual introduction of new pieces with short lead times. For the fickle online consumer that wants newness all the time, its heaven! In fact, the top right hand corner of their site pays homage to this brand ethos with a â€Å"new this week†link standing out from the pack. So what took them so long to make the move?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Caesar and Cleopatras Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia :: Caesar Cleopatra Papers
Caesar and Cleopatra's Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia Abstract In the trailer to his 1934 film "Cleopatra", Cecil B. DeMille confidently suggests that the romance between the Queen of Egypt and Julius Caesar is one of history's grandest love affairs. Perhaps this statement is in a way true, but when buying into the tradition of this romance many disreputable elements of the affair are often overlooked. One such component of the romance that if looked upon with a critical eye can serve to lessen the grandeur of the affair is the ill treatment of Caesar's wife Calphurnia. However, audiences and artists alike often have little problem ignoring the plight of Calphurnia, and Caesar and Cleopatra are rarely ever referred to as adulterous individuals. Neglecting to remember how Calpurnia was virtually thrown to the wayside in the midst of Caesar and Cleopatra's extra-marital relationship is possibly a way of lessening the guilt felt by those who choose to become surrounded by the supposed splendor of Caesar's love affair with the Egyptian Queen. Those who choose to proclaim the glory of Caesar and Cleopatra must be cautioned to remember Calphurnia's situation as an abandoned and insulted wife. If attention is given to faithful Calphurnia's desertion by Caesar and inferior treatment by Cleopatra, it becomes evident that Calphurnia is deserving of sympathy while Caesar and Cleopatra's relationship is not so grand and sophisticated as many wish to think. Faithful Calphurnia History tells us that Calphurnia invested twelve years of her life in wedlock to Caesar. Although a political marriage, Calphurnia treated Caesar with a caring attitude and loving attachment which legitimizes their relationship and for which she deserves respect. The most telling times of Calphurnia's faithfulness toward her husband is her care for his safety in the final days before his assassination, regardless of her being aware of Caesar's adultery. According to Arthur Kahn's historical narrative The Education of Julius Caesar, Caesar had grown "gaunt and haggard" as he lost the support of his colleagues in the Roman Senate. In his final days he often stared into space and spoke with little coherence. In his time of need Calphurnia glued herself to his bedside and although Caesar could not make conversation with anyone, Calphurnia listened attentively as he recited Homer's poems of Odysseus after he had returned home to Penelope.1 This narrative illustrates the luxury Julius' had to depend on his dedicated Roman wife in times of need. Caesar and Cleopatra's Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia :: Caesar Cleopatra Papers Caesar and Cleopatra's Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia Abstract In the trailer to his 1934 film "Cleopatra", Cecil B. DeMille confidently suggests that the romance between the Queen of Egypt and Julius Caesar is one of history's grandest love affairs. Perhaps this statement is in a way true, but when buying into the tradition of this romance many disreputable elements of the affair are often overlooked. One such component of the romance that if looked upon with a critical eye can serve to lessen the grandeur of the affair is the ill treatment of Caesar's wife Calphurnia. However, audiences and artists alike often have little problem ignoring the plight of Calphurnia, and Caesar and Cleopatra are rarely ever referred to as adulterous individuals. Neglecting to remember how Calpurnia was virtually thrown to the wayside in the midst of Caesar and Cleopatra's extra-marital relationship is possibly a way of lessening the guilt felt by those who choose to become surrounded by the supposed splendor of Caesar's love affair with the Egyptian Queen. Those who choose to proclaim the glory of Caesar and Cleopatra must be cautioned to remember Calphurnia's situation as an abandoned and insulted wife. If attention is given to faithful Calphurnia's desertion by Caesar and inferior treatment by Cleopatra, it becomes evident that Calphurnia is deserving of sympathy while Caesar and Cleopatra's relationship is not so grand and sophisticated as many wish to think. Faithful Calphurnia History tells us that Calphurnia invested twelve years of her life in wedlock to Caesar. Although a political marriage, Calphurnia treated Caesar with a caring attitude and loving attachment which legitimizes their relationship and for which she deserves respect. The most telling times of Calphurnia's faithfulness toward her husband is her care for his safety in the final days before his assassination, regardless of her being aware of Caesar's adultery. According to Arthur Kahn's historical narrative The Education of Julius Caesar, Caesar had grown "gaunt and haggard" as he lost the support of his colleagues in the Roman Senate. In his final days he often stared into space and spoke with little coherence. In his time of need Calphurnia glued herself to his bedside and although Caesar could not make conversation with anyone, Calphurnia listened attentively as he recited Homer's poems of Odysseus after he had returned home to Penelope.1 This narrative illustrates the luxury Julius' had to depend on his dedicated Roman wife in times of need.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
From Freedom Of Contract
The modern entrant making process Is often a set of very complex agreements and usually Involves big amounts of money. The negotiations may last for months or even years. As a result, the parties will reach an agreement by piecemeal. There Is not a simple offer and an acceptance anymore, but there are offers, counteroffers, partial discussion. But when exactly the discussion is ended? For this still developing contract formation procedure, in most legal systems there are no special and adequate rules established. Since it is impossible to qualify in these cases offer and acceptance, a whole set of new problems arises: . As the agreement been concluded; 2. When was it concluded; 3. If the agreement is concluded, what are the terms of it. In this paper I will examine and discuss a very controversial topic in the theory of the formation of contracts: the relationship between parties in a situation in which an agreement has not been reached and one of the parties breaks off the negotiati ons. This can be done in several ways: one 2 can Just end the negotiations and walk away, the offered can revoke his offer, an option clause is violated etc.Since there is still no contractual liability in these cases, he question arises if there is any liability at all and if so according to what theory a party is held liable. I will analyses this problem from the point of view of two legal families: Common Law and Civil Law. In the context of this paper by Civil Law I mean the codified law systems in Western Europe and I will discuss French, German and Dutch law. We will see that there are important differences between the Common Law and the Civil Law approach to these problems.As a result of the still growing trade market between the United States and Western Europe it is of utmost importance that one is aware of these differences. I want to discuss three topics: 1 . Cross-boundary pre-contractual negotiations will bring together law and culture and reality and perception and so many problematic situations; I will give you Just some examples to show what I mean; 2. Then I will discuss the different approaches as mentioned above and even more important the different results on what is understand as pre-contractual liability; 3. He last topic will be on recent European developments in contract law in this field as realized in a proposed European Code of Contract Law. 2. Law and culture As I said before, pre-contractual negotiations will not only bring together law and ultra but also reality and perception. So it is quite possible that one party – from his particular background and legal culture – is convinced that after some meetings an agreement is reached, as the opposite party thinks these were still preliminary conversations. When this is the case severe problems will rise and immediately two questions have to be answered: 1 . According to which law the breaking off of the negotiations has to be Judged; 2. And which court has standing. In Co mmon Law countries, as a rule lawyers will take part in the conversation in a very early stage of the negotiations. s true for The Netherlands you from the start of the 3 – it is all a matter of trust. If you take your lawyers with negotiations it means you don't trust the other party so they don't trust you. The result is that you start the negotiations one step behind the other party and that is exactly not what you want.Probably this is also because English and American contracts are much longer than German, French or Dutch contracts. 1 Just one example; contrast these two standard forms of a forum selection clause: ; American clause: The exclusive forum for the resolution of any dispute under or rising out of this agreement shall be the courts of general Jurisdiction of xx and both parties submit to the Jurisdiction of such courts. The parties waive all objections based on forum non convenience; German clause: Cholinesterase Geriatricians sit xx (the only competent court is (P. 96) So when you enter into international contracting your first lessons are: 1 . Be aware of the cultural differences and legal mentality between you and the other party ; 2. Try to reach an agreement on two questions as early in the negotiations as possible: a. Which law has to be applied in case anything goes wrong (express choice of law); b. Which court has standing. A way to realize an answer to these questions in the pre-contractual stage is the use of a so called Letter of Intend or a Memorandum of Agreement.In case anything goes wrong, such a Letter or Memorandum can save a lot of time and money for both parties. According to American case law the answer of the question if the Letter or Memorandum is legally binding depends on the following factors: – The amount of details; – The language used; – Are there any escape-clauses; – Are there ‘subject to formal contract/definitive agreement' clauses; See for a comparison between American an d German contracts: Claire A. Hill and Christopher King, How do German contracts do as much with fewer words? , 79 Chicago-Kent Law Review 2004, p. 889 – 926. – Complexity of the transaction; – The way parties behave in the pre-contractual stage; – Custom. In Civil law similar factors are used. For about seven years I was honorary Judge in the Court of Rotterdam in a division on international contracts. In a surprisingly amount of cases – where contracts were actually formed – there was no provision on an express choice of law and on which court has standing. Making a choice on forehand will save time and money and the allowing factors can be taken into account. In the first place parties create certainty; both parties know what to expect in case anything goes wrong.I will take the English approach as a starting point, because this approach still resembles the classical theory on contract law. (Gigglier 2002, Cheshire and Foot 2001, Allen 19 91) In the case William Lacey (Winslow) Ltd. V. Davis [1957] 1 W. L. R. 932, 934 (Q. B. 1957) the view is expressed that a party to negotiations undertakes this work as a gamble, and its cost is part of the overhead expense of his business which he hopes will be met out of the profits of such contracts as are made. ‘ More recently the leading case on this topic is Wallboard v.Miles [1992] 1 All ERE 453. The question was if the parties can, by agreement, impose on themselves a duty to negotiate in good faith. Lord Cancer held: ‘Each party to the negotiations is entitled to pursue his (or her) own interest, so long as he avoids making misrepresentations. To advance that interest he must be entitled, if he thinks it appropriate, to threaten to withdraw from further negotiation or to withdraw in fact in the hope that the opposite party may seek to reopen negotiations by offering him improved terms.A duty to negotiate in good faith is as unworkable in practice as it is inhere ntly inconsistent with the position of the negotiating party. In spite of this rather rigid and formalistic view English law has taken on this question, there are some grounds to pursue negotiations or to recover damages in case of breaking off the negotiations. 6 Although the main contract has not been concluded, the court may held that there is a collateral contract which gives rise to some rights during the negotiating process.And even though there is no contract, a party may be entitled to restitution relief on the grounds that the other party has derived a benefit from the transaction for which he should compensate the plaintiff even if no contract has arisen (unjust enrichment). Finally a party can be held liable for loss which he inflicted on the other party in case of fraudulent misrepresentation (a claim in tort, e. G. When there was never an intention to form a contract) or negligent misrepresentation. In England one can only claim negative interests.Specific performance à ¢â‚¬â€œ that is to say forcing parties to re-open negotiations – is not possible. 3. 1. 2 AMERICAN LAW (Tanner and Hamilton, paper 2004, Track 1991) Like in English contract theory, it is generally agreed that also in the United States the existence of a duty in good faith is denied in the absence of an enforceable contract. According to American law there are three other grounds for pre-contractual liability. As in England, unjust enrichment as a basis for liability could be a ground for restitution.However, Just a few courts have entertained such claims and the prevailing view is still the alternator theory: both benefit and loss are at risk of the parties. Also the misrepresentation theory is considered to be a ground for recovering losses in the preoccupation stage in the United States, but situations in which this occurs American courts is the doctrine of promissory estoppels: one negotiating party cannot thou liability breach a promise made during negotiations, if the o ther party relied on that promise.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cell Phone Effects on Youth Essay
In powerful effect paradigm, media has immediate, direct influence and assumes that people are passive and absorb media content uncritically & unconditionally. That paradigm related to Frankfurt school of though. Three theories come under this paradigm; one is Mass society theory, second is Magic bullet theory and third is Critical theory. All that theories based on assumptions, that all theories shows that media has strong impact on audience and a malignant force within the society. Mass society theory: This theory is related to media and Herbert Marcuse presented this idea. It’s a first media theory and also known as â€Å"Grand Theory†. Mass Society Theory is based on various assumptions. Following are the assumptions of Mass Society Theory: 1. The media are a malignant, cancerous force within society and must be purged or totally restructured. 2. Media have the power to reach out and directly influence the minds of average people. 3. Once people’s minds are corrupted by media, all sorts of bad long-term consequences result – not only bringing ruin to individual lives, but also creating social problems on a vast scale 4. Average people are vulnerable to media because they have been cut off and isolated from traditional institutions that previously protected them from manipulation. 5. The social chaos initiated by media will inevitably be resolved by establishment of a totalitarian social order. 6. Mass media inevitably debase higher forms of culture; br ing about generation decline in civilization. Read more: Negative Effects of Smartphones on Youth Limited effect paradigm: Limited effect paradigm idea has been associated with Paul Lazarsfeld and his colleagues. They focused on the media effect is measureable, short term and concluded that the media played a limited role in influencing public opinion. The â€Å"Limited-Effects†Model developed by Lazarsfeld and his colleagues from Columbia was highly influential in the development of media studies. The model claims the mass media has â€Å"limited-effects†on audience. Comparison of Mass Society Theory Assumptions with Limited Effect Paradigm 1. The media are a malignant, cancerous force within society and must be purged or totally restructured. The Functional Analysis Theory rejected this assumption as in this theory media is a healthy organization and has a positive role within the society, and Information Flow Theory also discarded this assumption that all information does not consider valuable and 80% people heard and read soft news so the reaction and the negative effect of media is less. 2. Media have the power to reach out and directly influence the minds of average people. Two step flows discarded this assumption, this theory urges media to be less direct and less powerful effects and people are much more affected by opinion leaders rather than media. As in the Information Flow Theory most news are unnoticed by people so how it can affect average people and also in the Attitude Change Theory, society or people cannot change by media. People changed when they want change or change their self. 3. Once people’s minds are corrupted by media, all sorts of bad long-term consequences result – not only bringing ruin to individual lives, but also creating social problems on a vast scale. Attitudes Change Theory discarded this assumption that changing is a complex process and societal change is a slow process. As in a Cognitive Dissonance Theory, anything which is inconsistence that effect is less. Psychological disorder topics have a less effect on audience. One more theory rejected this assumption Functional Analysis Theory says that media role is positive in the society. 4. Average people are vulnerable to media because they have been cut off and isolated from traditional institutions that previously protected them from manipulation. Reinforcement Theory rejected this assumption it says that media act to reinforcement already held beliefs and idea. Change transpire by family, school, church etc and traditional institution are still there and have strong power to stop the individual an society by manipulation. As in Cognitive Consistency Theory people consciously or unconsciously want to see those channels or programs which are of their interest. Two Step Model also discarded this assumption by opinion leaders are attached with our institutions and in the Attitude Change Theory, in human attitude changing these three variables play focal role, 1.the Communicator, 2.communication, 3.situation. 5. The social chaos initiated by media will inevitably be resolved by establishment of a totalitarian social order. Only Innovation Diffusion Theory prop up that assumption. New idea, information introduced in the society by innovators, to spread any new idea is society has five stages by establishment of totalitarian social order the social chaos can be pave. 6. Mass media inevitably debase higher forms of culture; bring about generation decline in civilization. Cognitive Consistency rejected this assumption people always try to hold their existing beliefs so they do not allow to change their culture and values. As Reinforcement Theory, media acts to reinforce the already held and existing beliefs and ideas. It does not disturb society by creating any change. Conclusion: Mass society theory portrait media role is negative and malignant force within the society but there are many other theories which describes that media role is positive and it is a healthy institution like other social institutions. Change always comes, when people want change or try to change themselves. We negated all these assumption by these imperial studies.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on “A Scarlet Ibis“ Literary Essay
Prompt: In the story â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†James Hurst uses setting imagery to parallel characterization. The two aspects of characterization that are reflected through the author’s use of setting imagery are [ the hopes and dreams] and [the disappointments] of the main characters. In â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†by James Hurst, setting imagery is used to parallel the characters’ moods. He uses these forms of nature to reflect both [ the hopes and dreams ] and [ the disappointments ] of the main characters. [ The first illustration of setting imagery is when Hurst describes the hopes and dreams, the hopes of Doodle being able to walk, and how it became reality. ] { Doodle had a title of being â€Å"Handicapped†hanging over his head. } { The brother had a problem with having a â€Å"Handicapped†brother, so he set out to teach him [ Doodle] how to walk. } James Hurst, describes when the dream of having Doodle be able to walk becomes a reality here, â€Å"Finally one day, after many weeks of practicing, he [ Doodle ] stood alone for a few seconds. When he fell, I grabbed him in my arms and hugged him, our laughter pealing through the swamp like a ringing bell. Now we knew it could be done. Hope no longer hid in the dark palmetto thicket but perched like a cardinal in the lacy toothbrush tree, brilliantly visible. â€Å"Yes, Yes,†I cried and he cried it too.†This passage shows how the brother’s dream went from hope to reality. The brother and his family thought that Doodle would never be able to stand on his own, let alone walk. Doodle’s walking wasn’t very important, but since the dream had existed in his brother’s head for weeks, Doodle made his brother’s dream become a reality. It is this picture of setting imagery that James Hurst has built his story around that continues the hope and dreams of the main characters’, both as a dream and now a reality for the family to remember. This very moment is a moment that Dood... Free Essays on â€Å"A Scarlet Ibisâ€Å" Literary Essay Free Essays on â€Å"A Scarlet Ibisâ€Å" Literary Essay Prompt: In the story â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†James Hurst uses setting imagery to parallel characterization. The two aspects of characterization that are reflected through the author’s use of setting imagery are [ the hopes and dreams] and [the disappointments] of the main characters. In â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†by James Hurst, setting imagery is used to parallel the characters’ moods. He uses these forms of nature to reflect both [ the hopes and dreams ] and [ the disappointments ] of the main characters. [ The first illustration of setting imagery is when Hurst describes the hopes and dreams, the hopes of Doodle being able to walk, and how it became reality. ] { Doodle had a title of being â€Å"Handicapped†hanging over his head. } { The brother had a problem with having a â€Å"Handicapped†brother, so he set out to teach him [ Doodle] how to walk. } James Hurst, describes when the dream of having Doodle be able to walk becomes a reality here, â€Å"Finally one day, after many weeks of practicing, he [ Doodle ] stood alone for a few seconds. When he fell, I grabbed him in my arms and hugged him, our laughter pealing through the swamp like a ringing bell. Now we knew it could be done. Hope no longer hid in the dark palmetto thicket but perched like a cardinal in the lacy toothbrush tree, brilliantly visible. â€Å"Yes, Yes,†I cried and he cried it too.†This passage shows how the brother’s dream went from hope to reality. The brother and his family thought that Doodle would never be able to stand on his own, let alone walk. Doodle’s walking wasn’t very important, but since the dream had existed in his brother’s head for weeks, Doodle made his brother’s dream become a reality. It is this picture of setting imagery that James Hurst has built his story around that continues the hope and dreams of the main characters’, both as a dream and now a reality for the family to remember. This very moment is a moment that Dood...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Cigarette Butt is One Thing…
A Cigarette Butt is One Thing†¦ A Cigarette Butt is One Thing A Cigarette Butt is One Thing By Maeve Maddox In standard English usage, the word butt has numerous meanings as both a noun and a verb. The OED offers 14 entries for butt as a noun. The meanings vary from â€Å"barrel†to â€Å"a type of one-horse cart.†Perhaps the most common definition is a. The thicker end of anything, esp. of a tool or weapon, the part by which it is held or on which it rests; e.g. the lower end of a spear-shaft, whip-handle, fishing-rod, the broad end of the stock of a gun or pistol. Butt meaning â€Å"barrel†gives us the expression to be the butt of a joke. This use stems from the custom of setting up archery targets on barrels. The butt of a joke is the target of a joke. The meaning â€Å"remainder of a smoked cigarette†was first recorded in 1847. The sense of â€Å"human posterior†has been in use from 1450, but ancient use does not necessarily confer acceptability in standard speech. To my ears, butt as a word for the human posterior is for informal use, more or less on a par with bitch as used by some speakers as a generic term for â€Å"woman.†That’s why I was startled to hear it used in a television commercial the other night: Better legs and better butt with every step. To my ears the ads that use this phrase are more offensive than the ones with the baby bear who can’t wipe his bottom without leaving behind scraps of toilet paper. At least those ads use the word â€Å"bottom†for the anatomical area under discussion. In mulling over my reaction to this use of â€Å"butt†in an ad intended to be aired in every living room in America, I reviewed the many expressions in English that can be used to refer to a person’s backside. I’ve probably used them all at one time or another, but not indiscriminately. Some words for the human posterior seem to me to be acceptable in ordinary speech, no matter who is present. For example, rear backside bottom seat behind derrià ¨re posterior Some I’d use only if I felt some irritation with the person whose anatomy was being referred to. For example, butt hind end tail rump keister bum fanny (Caution: this one does NOT refer to the same bit of anatomy in British English as it does in American English.) ass (arse in British usage) Some words I’d reserve for moments of jocularity or perversity: buttocks cheeks booty tush buns heinie caboose fundament haunches gluteus maximus As a copywriter I might use â€Å"butt†in an ad to be placed in a specialized publication read by young people, but not for one intended to be run during national television prime time. It’s a generational thing, I’m sure. I hear plenty of young people use it as if it were perfectly acceptable in polite company. Still, advertisers might think twice about using it in ads intended for a general audience. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should KnowDawned vs. DonnedCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Cubism and Fauvism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cubism and Fauvism - Essay Example By means of comparison, fauvism was a form of artistic representation in which strong and unnatural colors for a particular object or individual utilized; with the specific goal of evoking strong emotions. Naturally, the utilization of 3-D imagery was all but nonexistent within this particular approach to artistic representation. A prime example of fauvism in artwork can be seen with regard to Henri Matisse’ â€Å"Woman with a Hat†. Whereas the analysis has thus far focused upon the level of dissimilarity that exists between these two particular approaches to artistic representation, it must be noted that a peculiar similarity has to do with the fact that both of these are forms seek to represent meaning and understanding based upon different norms Michael and at least as compared to what had been represented as art for many generations and years prior to the advent of these two approaches. In essence, both of these approaches are similar due to the fact that they seek to represent meaning in a new and contrasted manner as compared to the way in which previous artists have described the world. Regardless of the definitions that have thus far been given, perhaps the greatest similarity that exists between these two art forms has to do with the fact that they were both new and expansively modern means of representing the world; means that prior artists had not considered and that were, at that time, considered as â€Å"avant guarde†. No matter what metric is analyzed, the Great Depression was an extremely difficult time.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Essay
Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development - Essay Example Market therefore becomes central to the economic development where entrepreneurship and innovation become powerful factors to influence economic growth. Position of the paper Entrepreneurship and innovation are critical issues within socio-economic development that are intrinsically linked to growth. In the contemporary environment of competitive business, the role of creative entrepreneurship becomes vital ingredient of competitive advantage within the industry, irrespective of its structure or model. Indeed, various paradigms of economic growth are significantly impacted by entrepreneurial vision that anticipates change and competently exploits it for profit (Kuratko and Hodgetts, 2004). In the current environment of competitive business, entrepreneurship and innovation become the major enabling elements of competitive advantage and intrinsic part of economic growth. The paper would therefore be discussing the facilitating role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the economic dev elopment of society and how creativity and problem solving support the relationship. How entrepreneurship and innovation become driving force for economic development While the normal human behavior tends to follow a rational approach, an entrepreneur is highly indigenous in his/her actions and thoughts which often results in innovation and path breaking ideas, impacting human lives and leading to development (Harvey, M. and R. Evans, 1995). Oprah Winfrey is fitting example of entrepreneurial creativity who grabbed opportunity and brought about major social change vis-a-vis perspective in racial discrimination. She showed how a person can rise above the conformity of race and gender to become successful and promote socio-economic development of society. Indeed, the development of society is based on the revolutionary ideas of the few which has considerably influenced and restructured social fabric in a more rationale manner. Kirzner (1973) believes that entrepreneurs tend to identif y profit opportunities and act on their insights to become more productive, thus contributing towards economic growth. A market driven economy hugely supports entrepreneurial innovation as it is able to experiment with new ideas and exploit opportunities. Entrepreneurship is dynamic and evolves with changing times to maintain its leverage against industrial rivals. Facebook, twitter, Apple, Microsoft etc. are important companies that were able to exploit new ideas and turned them into roaring businesses. Through the evolving process of entrepreneurial creativeness, the companies, that fundamentally adopt a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, are better able to cope with increasing competition in the market and impact economic growth. The major theories that support the relationship between creative entrepreneurship and development Schumpeter (1934) has been one of the most influential social scientist to propose that economic growth is driven by innovation. He asserted that radical innovation brought disruptive changes while incremental innovations were proactive in continuous process of change. According to him, there were five types of innovation. While new product development ensured that people’s changing requirements are met, new methods of productions like lean production, TQM etc promoted efficiency and quality. Market
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Why Matsuo Basho left the capital city, Edo, and went to the Essay
Why Matsuo Basho left the capital city, Edo, and went to the coutry-side, Oku - Essay Example This point onwards, peace prevailed in Japan for four hundred. Paradoxically, people felt suffocation. The closed-door policy accompanied with several other strict rules enforced by the Tokugawa government pushed the citizens into a very strict social rank. There were severe limitations on travel and ban on some colors in clothing. Nonetheless, the prohibition was balanced by peace that prevailed in that time as a result of which, the Japanese society underwent a lot of changes. The quiet and peace helped Japan attain economic stability. People tried to spend their time in the most meaningful and beneficial way so that they would get rid of stress. This might be the reason why Japan greatly excelled in the fields of arts, architecture and agriculture in the very period. The capital city, Edo was the most well developed place and particularly reflected the rich Japanese culture. Therefore, people came to Edo in large numbers. â€Å"Edo bustled with warriors, craftsmen, merchants, and performers from throughout the land.†The money they spent strengthened the economy. â€Å"The shogun, daimyo, and their retainers spent almost all their money in the city; Edo was a center of consumption.†The people who had gathered in Edo from different places of origins mutually gave rise to a unique culture. â€Å"Instead, it resulted from the interaction of three groups, each of which complemented the others: the warriors, the provincial cho-nin â€Å"outsiders,†and the Edokko.†With the passage of time, the period of Tokugawa became significant because of cultural efflorescence. The Genroku era (1688-1703) was a time of renaissance in the Japanese culture; a time when both aristocratic and common arts flourished. New forms of art like Kabuki, Bunraku and Ukikiyo-e surfaced in the very era. Japanese literature also reached its apogee in the seventeenth century. Ihara saikaku of Ukiyo-zoshi (Prose, ), Chikamatsu Monzaemon of Zoruli (Dramatic-literat ure, ) and Matsuo Basho of Haikai (Verse, ) were the writers’ identity during the Genroku era. Among those writers, Matsuo Basho was particularly remarkable because of his contribution to literature through his Poem (Haikai). This poem was one of the very few pieces of literature that were treated as comic or unorthodox (HYPERLINK "" ). â€Å"He is also chiefly known as a great writer of the haiku, one of the world’s shortest verse forms that consist of only three lines with a total of seventeen syllables.†Haiku always consists of both seasonal and cutting words. The stay of Matsuo Basho in Edo commenced in 1644 which was forty years after the establishment of government of the Tokugawa family in Edo, and his stay continued till 1690. As discussed before, the Genroku era was a time in which the popular culture greatly flourished and Edo became crowded with people. This essentially made Edo the perfect place and the Genroku era, the perfect time for Basho to implement his theory and principles in. Soon after the capitalism started to dominate in Edo, Matsuo Basho set off on a long journey to the city of Oku in 1689 miles away from the capital city (). Basho’s decision to leave Edo was quite interesting and filled the audience with curiosity. The audience might have several questions, like what made Basho choose Oku for the stay? Why did Basho leave the capital city? and, what did Basho originally pursue from his journey? It is worthwhile trying to judge the underlying factors that convinced Basho to take this decision. This paper discusses some of the reasons why Matsuo Basho might have chosen to travel to Oku. The first and foremost purpose of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Self balancing vehicle
Self balancing vehicle 1.Introduction 1.1. Introduction Research on two wheeled, self balancing vehicle is gaining momentum in many laboratories around the world and has made many developments based on it. Balancing carts are defined by their ability to balance on two wheels and spin on the spot similar to an inverted pendulum. It has been the subject of many researches around the world ever since people started investigating the concept of inverted pendulum system. Many forms and functions of a two wheeled cart have been developed and modified, due to its high manoeuvrability, two wheeled balancing cart has been investigated and developed to become a human transport machine. The Segway, Pegasus, and iBot models are such examples of the design of two wheeled balancing robot as a human transport machine. Balancing of a two wheel cart is a non linear control problem which is quite complex to solve in a methodological approach due to two degrees of freedom, i.e. the balancing cart position and angle using only one control input force. The control principle simply involves driving the wheels of the cart in the direction where the body is falling. It has the same principles as balancing a broom stick on the palm of a hand, a person balancing the stick moves the hand in the direction that the stick is falling The scope of this thesis is to design a controller and develop the hardware for the two wheeled cart such that the cart can stay in an upright position while the cart is in a static position or moving. Apart from the above, the thesis will look into the suitability and performance of different types of linear state space controllers namely the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), pole placement controller and state observer design in balancing the system. 1.2. Literature Review The wide application of technology derived from the very concept of inverted pendulum has lead to many researches being carried out by many researchers and robot enthusiasts around the world. This chapter provides a review on some vital topics related to the balancing of a two wheeled robot as well as some of the existing human transporters, 1.2.1. Segway The Segway PT is a two-wheeled, self-balancing electric vehicle invented by Dean Kamen. It is produced by Segway Inc. of New Hampshire, USA. The working of the Segway is based on a new technology termed dynamic stabilization, i.e. it uses the bodys movement to enable the Segway to perform its function. For instance, to move forward or backward, the rider has to lean in the required direction, similarly, for left-right movement, the Leansteer frame is turned in the required direction. The dynamics of Segway PT are also based on the concept of the inverted pendulum. It consists of electric motors powered by Valence Technology and phosphate based lithium ion batteries, two tilt sensors and 5 gyroscopes. The servo drive motors rotate the wheels forward or backwards as needed for balance or propulsion. 1.2.2. Self Balancing Scooter Trevor Blackwell built a self-balancing scooter similar to the Segway HT that was completed in 2002. There are two models of the scooter built by Trevor Blackwell and the control system of the vehicle are summarized below, Model 1: The scooter is powered by Remote Control (RC) car battery packs. The packs provide a power source that can support the high discharge rate demanded by the motors. The control system of the vehicle is run from an 8-bit Atmel microcontroller using Proportional Derivative (PD) control with feedback from a piezo electric rate gyroscope. The gain parameters can be tuned by hand while actually using the vehicle. The motors are controlled by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals from the motor driver. Steering is done by making one wheel go faster than the other. Because all the mass is centered between the wheels, it can spin around quite quickly. The steering system adds and subtracts a small percentage of power from the motors depending on the current speed of the vehicle Model 2: This model is an improvisation of the first model. It is designed to be much smoother, lighter and faster than the first model. Roboteq dual channel motor controller used in the first model is replaced with an OSMC (Open Source Motor Controller) driving each wheel independently. The OSMC can supply from 13V to 50V at 160A continuous and 400A peak while the major advantage stems from the processing time which is in the order of one or two milliseconds compared to tens of milliseconds with the previously used Roboteq motor controller. The gyroscope system used in the first model is replaced with a gyroscope/accelerometer assembly that has significantly less noise and less susceptible to vibrations. This model includes a Bluetooth connection such that the scooter can be driven remotely while balancing. 1.2.3. JOE le Pendule Felix, Grasser (2002) built a revolutionary two-wheeled vehicle called the JOE. It consists of two coaxial wheels with each wheel coupled to a DC motor. This configuration enables the vehicle to do stationary U-turns. The control system consists of two state space controllers which drives the motors so as to keep the system in equilibrium while in motion. In order to reduce cost as well as danger for the test pilots a scaled down prototype carrying a weight instead of a driver was built (Grasser et al). The implemented control system is the pole placement control. JOEs performance can be further enhanced by varying the pole placement in real time depending on the states and inputs of the system. The implementation of these controllers can be seen in papers published by Nakajima et al. (1997), Shiroma et al. (1996), Takahashi et al. (2001) and Grasser et al (2002). 1.2.4 LegWay EquiBot Steve Hassenplugs Lego based LegWay uses two Electro-Optical Proximity Detectors to balance and detect and follow lines. This robot uses Infrared Proximity detectors to deduce the tilt angle of the robot. Another robot similar to the Legway is the Equibot by Dan Piponi. Equibot is a balancing robot which is like a small scale segway. It is based around an ATMega32 RISC Microcontroller. It has just one sensor: the Sharp infrared ranger. This is positioned facing downwards to measure distance to the floor and as a result tilt angle is obtained. The output from this device is used to decide which way the robot is leaning and hence stabilize the system. 1.2.5 nBot Balancing Robot The nBot balancing robot by David P.Anderson is another two wheeled balancing robot that has been developed in the recent past, the concept of balancing this robot could be applied to this two wheeled balancing cart project, for the nBot the wheels are driven in such a way as to stay under the robots center of gravity, hence, the robot remains balanced. The nbot consists of two feedback sensors: a tilt or angle sensor to measure the tilt of the robot with respect to gravity, and also consist of encoders on the wheels in order to measure the position of the base of the robot. The position and motion of an inverted pendulum based machine such as the nBot are defined by four variables. They are the position, the velocity, the tilt angle and the tilt rate. The measurements from these four variables are summed and fed back as a motor voltage which is proportional to torque, hence is used to balance and drive the robot. 1.2.6 EDGAR A student project at the University of Adelaide under the guidance of Dr.Ben Cazzolato resulted in EDGAR, the Electro-Drive Grav-Aware Ride. EDGARs design draws up the successes and failures of the Segway PT and various other attempts of producing self balancing scooters which use different automatic control methods. Angular feedbacks from the gyroscopic sensor and PWM output to motors are used in a control system to achieve balance in EDGAR. The microcontroller used is the Wytec MiniDRAGON+ development board; the microcontroller receives the information from sensors, interprets the information and then sends commands to drive the system to maintain balance.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Capital Punishment Debate :: Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty
Capital punishment (the death penalty) is the means of punishment, decided by the court, which most convicted murderers, are sentenced to. This sentencing involves the induced death of the convicted criminals by various means. Most of the methods used or previously used for the execution process include: lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, electrocution (DPIC 2006). Murders have taken place all over the world throughout history and still continue to this day. Many argue on what the proper punishment would be for these types of criminals. Some believe that many years or life in prison is the best verdict for these convicts. Others will argue that capital punishment is a more suitable punishment. Although the death penalty has been in effect for many years and still continues to be practiced, the debate of whether or not this type of punishment should be allowed is still active. Certain people will say that it is cruel to resort to this type of punishment while others will say it is very necessary. The system of capital punishment is designed for the protection from the potential threat that the convicted have on society. Dudly Sharp, states that â€Å"by executing murderers you prevent them from murdering again and do, thereby, save innocent life†(19). The only way to prevent a person from committing murder continuously after being convicted is punishing them under the same means. This can only ensure the safety of the community. Capital punishment is even elaborated from a biblical standpoint also. Dr. Dave Miller states in his article, that â€Å"Very early in human history, God decreed that murderers were to forfeit their own lives†(2). Even God believes that murders do not have a right to live. The concern of whether or not capital punishment is a suitable system for punishment for murder convicts is an issue. In her article, Deborah White argues that capital punishment â€Å"†¦violates the right to life†¦It is the ultimate, cruel, inhuman and de grading punishment†(3). White believes that it is cruel to condemn someone to death who has intentionally killed other people. The world is full of murderers. These heinous crime performers, unless brought to justice, will continue their dirty deeds with no incentive to quit. A criminal who commits murder, should not go without being severely punished. Gregory Koukl states that in regards to any crime the convicted â€Å"†¦deserve to be punished, and the punishment should fit the crime†(36).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Building a strong community partnership: when it comes to creating effectives school-family-community partnerships, take some advice from veteran districts
The idea of creating school-family community partnership is good. However, some statements do not make much sense and there are many vague parts. The essay was not very well written and there are a couple of grammatical and spelling errors. There are errors when it comes to spacing. These could be because the paper was not properly proofread. Creating school-family community partnership is good because it will make school easier for children.The essay focused mainly on the methods of how a school will have a good relationship with parents aside from the regular PTA meetings as well the advantages of the development of the relationship. However, the paper failed to note any negative consequences of such. One possible negative effects is that the children may feel that they are always being watched by their parents. The guidance is good but it will hinder the children from developing independence. This concept indicates that too much parental guidance has negative effects.The essay was written in a way that the readers will not be attracted to read. The use of several quotations somehow gave the essay more life to it, but generally, people would not waste time to read the whole of the essay. A warning for controversy was posted at the end of the essay which is good. It emphasizes on a good point that controversy would be hard to avoid. Differences in opinion makes a lot of room for disagreement and controversy. It is important to avoid such situations and the author prepared good advice on how to avoid and how to deal with such situations.The essay was brief but it made the essay boring to read despite its being informative. It provides very good information on the different aspects which could help promote better relationships between the school and the parents. School-parent relationship may be one thing that the education system is missing. It is an interesting topic because it could provide a solution to change the country's education system for the better. S chools have been focusing too much on academic quality and putting a little more
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Article Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Group Essay
Down though the years there has always been tension and an on and off relationship between the community they serve and law enforcement agencies. And as with any relationship between two people there are misunderstanding, break-up and disagreements and the same is with the relationship between the community and its law enforcement agencies but just with any relationship at day’s end both the community and law enforcement have and share common concerns such as justice and deterrence. With many of communities in America being incursion of immigrants within the last few decades; with this incursion of immigrants many communities are being bombard with so many new language and cultures diversity. Because of this wide range of ethnicity now living within many the walls of our communities and society on a whole now have different opinions and views of law enforcement. Now due to the various ethnicities flooding our communities the author will investigate how a few of these ethnicity groups like: African Americans, Asians and the Hispanics neighborhoods views racial profiling, discrimination and past experience with law enforcement agencies. Taking a look at the traumatized relationship and association between the two, as well as the interaction and reaction from the law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. Since the conception of the law enforcement agencies race has long since been a vital playing card in policing. Even with the knowledge, awareness and understanding of this there has been some improvement but not enough. Racial opus of law enforcement alongside the racial outline of arrest, the raise in the number of arrest of non- minority like â€Å"Caucasian†by non-white law enforcement officers, while there were lower numbers of arrest by the same officers on other ethnic groups. On the flip side of that coin, more â€Å"Caucasian†officers had a boost in the number of non-white arrest in comparison to the number of arrest involving â€Å"Caucasians†. Race has been a polarizingelement the in the society of America for years. And this is every so prevalent within the criminal justice system. Clashes involving both the communities and law enforcement are the flashpoint for practically every current inner- city riot. Ethnic Groups. The raise of culture variety and immigration has from time to time made interaction with law enforcement difficult. Hispanics and Asian neighborhoods are often apprehensive of law enforcement officers due to their past occurrence. Their past incidents vary from their motherland of origin that was overwhelmed by civil unrest and war. This included exploitation of power by those of authority as well as much dishonesty within law enforcement agencies of that country. For this cause many minorities groups have a apprehension and more often than not an aversion to law enforcement officers. Like within the Hispanic neighborhoods, they often feel that law enforcement agents differentiates them by racial profiling them all because of their nationality. In Arizona this is a very contentious SB 1070 unlawful migration bill that passed given law enforcement agents the power and authority to inquire of certain individual (Hispanic) of proof of documentation of legal right to be in America. This law is being adopted in other states as well like New Jersey and Texas, any where there is a high population of Hispanics. IthasbeenreportedbytwoethnicgroupsAfricanAmericansandHispanic/Latinos affirm subordinate levels of agreement concerning their relationship with police officers as compared to those of their counterpart â€Å"Caucasians†. African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos claims that there is less willingness to obey and to follow orders given by authorities especially of Caucasian origin. Racial profiling has consistently been one of the most confounding, divisive and controversial issues the police department confronts. A perception that police target members of specific ethnic or racial groups creates a deep divide between the police and the communities we serve. But as an officer who has spent a lot of time patrolling the city’s streets, I just don’t think the perception is accurate. (Dutta, 2010) True racial profiling, in which people are targeted solely because of race or ethnicity, is both illegal and immoral. It destroys public trust and reduces the effectiveness of the police. There is no place for it in law enforcement. And I firmly believe that most LAPD officers support that viewpoint. Even the reported statement of the officer that he couldn’t do his job without racial profiling was most likely misinterpreted. (Dutta, 2010) Differentiation between minorities and Caucasians is how they relate and response to law enforcement agents and how fairly or unjustly he or she feels their treatment was. This is a how many African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos responded when asked by authorities regarding their relationship with law enforcement agencies this is less equality than when Caucasians reported. Reference: Dutta, Sunil, Los Angeles Times, Criminal Profiling vs. Racial Profiling 11- 22- 2010 Retrieved 05/20/2013 http://articles. Newport, Frank, Gallup News Service, Racial Profiling is Seen as Widespread, Particularly Among Young Black Men, 12-11-1999 Retrieved 05/20/2013 http://www. gallup. com/poll/3421/racial-profiling-seen-widespread-particularly-among- young-black-men. aspx Maxson, Cheryl, Hennigan, Karen,Sloane, David C. ,Factors That Influence Public Opinion of the Police ,06, 2003 : Police discipline and misconduct, community policing, and media. Retrieved 05/20/2013 -http://www. nij. gov/pubs-sum/197925. htm.
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