Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Why Matsuo Basho left the capital city, Edo, and went to the Essay
Why Matsuo Basho left the capital city, Edo, and went to the coutry-side, Oku - Essay Example This point onwards, peace prevailed in Japan for four hundred. Paradoxically, people felt suffocation. The closed-door policy accompanied with several other strict rules enforced by the Tokugawa government pushed the citizens into a very strict social rank. There were severe limitations on travel and ban on some colors in clothing. Nonetheless, the prohibition was balanced by peace that prevailed in that time as a result of which, the Japanese society underwent a lot of changes. The quiet and peace helped Japan attain economic stability. People tried to spend their time in the most meaningful and beneficial way so that they would get rid of stress. This might be the reason why Japan greatly excelled in the fields of arts, architecture and agriculture in the very period. The capital city, Edo was the most well developed place and particularly reflected the rich Japanese culture. Therefore, people came to Edo in large numbers. â€Å"Edo bustled with warriors, craftsmen, merchants, and performers from throughout the land.†The money they spent strengthened the economy. â€Å"The shogun, daimyo, and their retainers spent almost all their money in the city; Edo was a center of consumption.†The people who had gathered in Edo from different places of origins mutually gave rise to a unique culture. â€Å"Instead, it resulted from the interaction of three groups, each of which complemented the others: the warriors, the provincial cho-nin â€Å"outsiders,†and the Edokko.†With the passage of time, the period of Tokugawa became significant because of cultural efflorescence. The Genroku era (1688-1703) was a time of renaissance in the Japanese culture; a time when both aristocratic and common arts flourished. New forms of art like Kabuki, Bunraku and Ukikiyo-e surfaced in the very era. Japanese literature also reached its apogee in the seventeenth century. Ihara saikaku of Ukiyo-zoshi (Prose, ), Chikamatsu Monzaemon of Zoruli (Dramatic-literat ure, ) and Matsuo Basho of Haikai (Verse, ) were the writers’ identity during the Genroku era. Among those writers, Matsuo Basho was particularly remarkable because of his contribution to literature through his Poem (Haikai). This poem was one of the very few pieces of literature that were treated as comic or unorthodox (HYPERLINK "" ). â€Å"He is also chiefly known as a great writer of the haiku, one of the world’s shortest verse forms that consist of only three lines with a total of seventeen syllables.†Haiku always consists of both seasonal and cutting words. The stay of Matsuo Basho in Edo commenced in 1644 which was forty years after the establishment of government of the Tokugawa family in Edo, and his stay continued till 1690. As discussed before, the Genroku era was a time in which the popular culture greatly flourished and Edo became crowded with people. This essentially made Edo the perfect place and the Genroku era, the perfect time for Basho to implement his theory and principles in. Soon after the capitalism started to dominate in Edo, Matsuo Basho set off on a long journey to the city of Oku in 1689 miles away from the capital city (). Basho’s decision to leave Edo was quite interesting and filled the audience with curiosity. The audience might have several questions, like what made Basho choose Oku for the stay? Why did Basho leave the capital city? and, what did Basho originally pursue from his journey? It is worthwhile trying to judge the underlying factors that convinced Basho to take this decision. This paper discusses some of the reasons why Matsuo Basho might have chosen to travel to Oku. The first and foremost purpose of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Self balancing vehicle
Self balancing vehicle 1.Introduction 1.1. Introduction Research on two wheeled, self balancing vehicle is gaining momentum in many laboratories around the world and has made many developments based on it. Balancing carts are defined by their ability to balance on two wheels and spin on the spot similar to an inverted pendulum. It has been the subject of many researches around the world ever since people started investigating the concept of inverted pendulum system. Many forms and functions of a two wheeled cart have been developed and modified, due to its high manoeuvrability, two wheeled balancing cart has been investigated and developed to become a human transport machine. The Segway, Pegasus, and iBot models are such examples of the design of two wheeled balancing robot as a human transport machine. Balancing of a two wheel cart is a non linear control problem which is quite complex to solve in a methodological approach due to two degrees of freedom, i.e. the balancing cart position and angle using only one control input force. The control principle simply involves driving the wheels of the cart in the direction where the body is falling. It has the same principles as balancing a broom stick on the palm of a hand, a person balancing the stick moves the hand in the direction that the stick is falling The scope of this thesis is to design a controller and develop the hardware for the two wheeled cart such that the cart can stay in an upright position while the cart is in a static position or moving. Apart from the above, the thesis will look into the suitability and performance of different types of linear state space controllers namely the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), pole placement controller and state observer design in balancing the system. 1.2. Literature Review The wide application of technology derived from the very concept of inverted pendulum has lead to many researches being carried out by many researchers and robot enthusiasts around the world. This chapter provides a review on some vital topics related to the balancing of a two wheeled robot as well as some of the existing human transporters, 1.2.1. Segway The Segway PT is a two-wheeled, self-balancing electric vehicle invented by Dean Kamen. It is produced by Segway Inc. of New Hampshire, USA. The working of the Segway is based on a new technology termed dynamic stabilization, i.e. it uses the bodys movement to enable the Segway to perform its function. For instance, to move forward or backward, the rider has to lean in the required direction, similarly, for left-right movement, the Leansteer frame is turned in the required direction. The dynamics of Segway PT are also based on the concept of the inverted pendulum. It consists of electric motors powered by Valence Technology and phosphate based lithium ion batteries, two tilt sensors and 5 gyroscopes. The servo drive motors rotate the wheels forward or backwards as needed for balance or propulsion. 1.2.2. Self Balancing Scooter Trevor Blackwell built a self-balancing scooter similar to the Segway HT that was completed in 2002. There are two models of the scooter built by Trevor Blackwell and the control system of the vehicle are summarized below, Model 1: The scooter is powered by Remote Control (RC) car battery packs. The packs provide a power source that can support the high discharge rate demanded by the motors. The control system of the vehicle is run from an 8-bit Atmel microcontroller using Proportional Derivative (PD) control with feedback from a piezo electric rate gyroscope. The gain parameters can be tuned by hand while actually using the vehicle. The motors are controlled by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals from the motor driver. Steering is done by making one wheel go faster than the other. Because all the mass is centered between the wheels, it can spin around quite quickly. The steering system adds and subtracts a small percentage of power from the motors depending on the current speed of the vehicle Model 2: This model is an improvisation of the first model. It is designed to be much smoother, lighter and faster than the first model. Roboteq dual channel motor controller used in the first model is replaced with an OSMC (Open Source Motor Controller) driving each wheel independently. The OSMC can supply from 13V to 50V at 160A continuous and 400A peak while the major advantage stems from the processing time which is in the order of one or two milliseconds compared to tens of milliseconds with the previously used Roboteq motor controller. The gyroscope system used in the first model is replaced with a gyroscope/accelerometer assembly that has significantly less noise and less susceptible to vibrations. This model includes a Bluetooth connection such that the scooter can be driven remotely while balancing. 1.2.3. JOE le Pendule Felix, Grasser (2002) built a revolutionary two-wheeled vehicle called the JOE. It consists of two coaxial wheels with each wheel coupled to a DC motor. This configuration enables the vehicle to do stationary U-turns. The control system consists of two state space controllers which drives the motors so as to keep the system in equilibrium while in motion. In order to reduce cost as well as danger for the test pilots a scaled down prototype carrying a weight instead of a driver was built (Grasser et al). The implemented control system is the pole placement control. JOEs performance can be further enhanced by varying the pole placement in real time depending on the states and inputs of the system. The implementation of these controllers can be seen in papers published by Nakajima et al. (1997), Shiroma et al. (1996), Takahashi et al. (2001) and Grasser et al (2002). 1.2.4 LegWay EquiBot Steve Hassenplugs Lego based LegWay uses two Electro-Optical Proximity Detectors to balance and detect and follow lines. This robot uses Infrared Proximity detectors to deduce the tilt angle of the robot. Another robot similar to the Legway is the Equibot by Dan Piponi. Equibot is a balancing robot which is like a small scale segway. It is based around an ATMega32 RISC Microcontroller. It has just one sensor: the Sharp infrared ranger. This is positioned facing downwards to measure distance to the floor and as a result tilt angle is obtained. The output from this device is used to decide which way the robot is leaning and hence stabilize the system. 1.2.5 nBot Balancing Robot The nBot balancing robot by David P.Anderson is another two wheeled balancing robot that has been developed in the recent past, the concept of balancing this robot could be applied to this two wheeled balancing cart project, for the nBot the wheels are driven in such a way as to stay under the robots center of gravity, hence, the robot remains balanced. The nbot consists of two feedback sensors: a tilt or angle sensor to measure the tilt of the robot with respect to gravity, and also consist of encoders on the wheels in order to measure the position of the base of the robot. The position and motion of an inverted pendulum based machine such as the nBot are defined by four variables. They are the position, the velocity, the tilt angle and the tilt rate. The measurements from these four variables are summed and fed back as a motor voltage which is proportional to torque, hence is used to balance and drive the robot. 1.2.6 EDGAR A student project at the University of Adelaide under the guidance of Dr.Ben Cazzolato resulted in EDGAR, the Electro-Drive Grav-Aware Ride. EDGARs design draws up the successes and failures of the Segway PT and various other attempts of producing self balancing scooters which use different automatic control methods. Angular feedbacks from the gyroscopic sensor and PWM output to motors are used in a control system to achieve balance in EDGAR. The microcontroller used is the Wytec MiniDRAGON+ development board; the microcontroller receives the information from sensors, interprets the information and then sends commands to drive the system to maintain balance.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Capital Punishment Debate :: Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty
Capital punishment (the death penalty) is the means of punishment, decided by the court, which most convicted murderers, are sentenced to. This sentencing involves the induced death of the convicted criminals by various means. Most of the methods used or previously used for the execution process include: lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, electrocution (DPIC 2006). Murders have taken place all over the world throughout history and still continue to this day. Many argue on what the proper punishment would be for these types of criminals. Some believe that many years or life in prison is the best verdict for these convicts. Others will argue that capital punishment is a more suitable punishment. Although the death penalty has been in effect for many years and still continues to be practiced, the debate of whether or not this type of punishment should be allowed is still active. Certain people will say that it is cruel to resort to this type of punishment while others will say it is very necessary. The system of capital punishment is designed for the protection from the potential threat that the convicted have on society. Dudly Sharp, states that â€Å"by executing murderers you prevent them from murdering again and do, thereby, save innocent life†(19). The only way to prevent a person from committing murder continuously after being convicted is punishing them under the same means. This can only ensure the safety of the community. Capital punishment is even elaborated from a biblical standpoint also. Dr. Dave Miller states in his article, that â€Å"Very early in human history, God decreed that murderers were to forfeit their own lives†(2). Even God believes that murders do not have a right to live. The concern of whether or not capital punishment is a suitable system for punishment for murder convicts is an issue. In her article, Deborah White argues that capital punishment â€Å"†¦violates the right to life†¦It is the ultimate, cruel, inhuman and de grading punishment†(3). White believes that it is cruel to condemn someone to death who has intentionally killed other people. The world is full of murderers. These heinous crime performers, unless brought to justice, will continue their dirty deeds with no incentive to quit. A criminal who commits murder, should not go without being severely punished. Gregory Koukl states that in regards to any crime the convicted â€Å"†¦deserve to be punished, and the punishment should fit the crime†(36).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Building a strong community partnership: when it comes to creating effectives school-family-community partnerships, take some advice from veteran districts
The idea of creating school-family community partnership is good. However, some statements do not make much sense and there are many vague parts. The essay was not very well written and there are a couple of grammatical and spelling errors. There are errors when it comes to spacing. These could be because the paper was not properly proofread. Creating school-family community partnership is good because it will make school easier for children.The essay focused mainly on the methods of how a school will have a good relationship with parents aside from the regular PTA meetings as well the advantages of the development of the relationship. However, the paper failed to note any negative consequences of such. One possible negative effects is that the children may feel that they are always being watched by their parents. The guidance is good but it will hinder the children from developing independence. This concept indicates that too much parental guidance has negative effects.The essay was written in a way that the readers will not be attracted to read. The use of several quotations somehow gave the essay more life to it, but generally, people would not waste time to read the whole of the essay. A warning for controversy was posted at the end of the essay which is good. It emphasizes on a good point that controversy would be hard to avoid. Differences in opinion makes a lot of room for disagreement and controversy. It is important to avoid such situations and the author prepared good advice on how to avoid and how to deal with such situations.The essay was brief but it made the essay boring to read despite its being informative. It provides very good information on the different aspects which could help promote better relationships between the school and the parents. School-parent relationship may be one thing that the education system is missing. It is an interesting topic because it could provide a solution to change the country's education system for the better. S chools have been focusing too much on academic quality and putting a little more
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Article Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Group Essay
Down though the years there has always been tension and an on and off relationship between the community they serve and law enforcement agencies. And as with any relationship between two people there are misunderstanding, break-up and disagreements and the same is with the relationship between the community and its law enforcement agencies but just with any relationship at day’s end both the community and law enforcement have and share common concerns such as justice and deterrence. With many of communities in America being incursion of immigrants within the last few decades; with this incursion of immigrants many communities are being bombard with so many new language and cultures diversity. Because of this wide range of ethnicity now living within many the walls of our communities and society on a whole now have different opinions and views of law enforcement. Now due to the various ethnicities flooding our communities the author will investigate how a few of these ethnicity groups like: African Americans, Asians and the Hispanics neighborhoods views racial profiling, discrimination and past experience with law enforcement agencies. Taking a look at the traumatized relationship and association between the two, as well as the interaction and reaction from the law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. Since the conception of the law enforcement agencies race has long since been a vital playing card in policing. Even with the knowledge, awareness and understanding of this there has been some improvement but not enough. Racial opus of law enforcement alongside the racial outline of arrest, the raise in the number of arrest of non- minority like â€Å"Caucasian†by non-white law enforcement officers, while there were lower numbers of arrest by the same officers on other ethnic groups. On the flip side of that coin, more â€Å"Caucasian†officers had a boost in the number of non-white arrest in comparison to the number of arrest involving â€Å"Caucasians†. Race has been a polarizingelement the in the society of America for years. And this is every so prevalent within the criminal justice system. Clashes involving both the communities and law enforcement are the flashpoint for practically every current inner- city riot. Ethnic Groups. The raise of culture variety and immigration has from time to time made interaction with law enforcement difficult. Hispanics and Asian neighborhoods are often apprehensive of law enforcement officers due to their past occurrence. Their past incidents vary from their motherland of origin that was overwhelmed by civil unrest and war. This included exploitation of power by those of authority as well as much dishonesty within law enforcement agencies of that country. For this cause many minorities groups have a apprehension and more often than not an aversion to law enforcement officers. Like within the Hispanic neighborhoods, they often feel that law enforcement agents differentiates them by racial profiling them all because of their nationality. In Arizona this is a very contentious SB 1070 unlawful migration bill that passed given law enforcement agents the power and authority to inquire of certain individual (Hispanic) of proof of documentation of legal right to be in America. This law is being adopted in other states as well like New Jersey and Texas, any where there is a high population of Hispanics. IthasbeenreportedbytwoethnicgroupsAfricanAmericansandHispanic/Latinos affirm subordinate levels of agreement concerning their relationship with police officers as compared to those of their counterpart â€Å"Caucasians†. African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos claims that there is less willingness to obey and to follow orders given by authorities especially of Caucasian origin. Racial profiling has consistently been one of the most confounding, divisive and controversial issues the police department confronts. A perception that police target members of specific ethnic or racial groups creates a deep divide between the police and the communities we serve. But as an officer who has spent a lot of time patrolling the city’s streets, I just don’t think the perception is accurate. (Dutta, 2010) True racial profiling, in which people are targeted solely because of race or ethnicity, is both illegal and immoral. It destroys public trust and reduces the effectiveness of the police. There is no place for it in law enforcement. And I firmly believe that most LAPD officers support that viewpoint. Even the reported statement of the officer that he couldn’t do his job without racial profiling was most likely misinterpreted. (Dutta, 2010) Differentiation between minorities and Caucasians is how they relate and response to law enforcement agents and how fairly or unjustly he or she feels their treatment was. This is a how many African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos responded when asked by authorities regarding their relationship with law enforcement agencies this is less equality than when Caucasians reported. Reference: Dutta, Sunil, Los Angeles Times, Criminal Profiling vs. Racial Profiling 11- 22- 2010 Retrieved 05/20/2013 http://articles. Newport, Frank, Gallup News Service, Racial Profiling is Seen as Widespread, Particularly Among Young Black Men, 12-11-1999 Retrieved 05/20/2013 http://www. gallup. com/poll/3421/racial-profiling-seen-widespread-particularly-among- young-black-men. aspx Maxson, Cheryl, Hennigan, Karen,Sloane, David C. ,Factors That Influence Public Opinion of the Police ,06, 2003 : Police discipline and misconduct, community policing, and media. Retrieved 05/20/2013 -http://www. nij. gov/pubs-sum/197925. htm.
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